In the field of engineering, the objective is the characterization and improvement of the performance of the antennas and reception systems that the e-CALLISTO network uses by default, especially in those parameters most critical to our scientific proposal (spectrum-time resolution, gain and frequency threshold). The University of Alcalá has the experience and adecuate resources for the characterization of antennas and the optimization of these parameters. Among the innovations pursued is the proof of concept of leaky-wave antennas in close collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. This concept would allow a “frequency tracking” of the solar corona with a combination of gain and unreleased angular resolution to this day. The technological results of this research can be transferred to the other nodes of e-CALLISTO international network, improving its scientific capacity

The scientific proposal focuses on:
- The design of more effective algorithms of discrimination between different types of solar eruptions thanks to the improvement in spectral resolution;
- Study of the temporal relationship between radio emissions produced in the solar corona, the terrestrial magnetosphere (collaboration with the Ukrainian Radio Astronomy Institute) and the ionosphere to increase the ability to predict solar storms;
- The exploration, thanks to a modification in the detector, of a range of frequencies barely covered by the e-CALLISTO antennas (<45 MHz), very useful when combining ground-satellite data. Particular attention will be paid to the dissemination of the activities resulting from this project in the region, taking advantage of the cultural and historical interest of the city of Sigüenza, where one of the improved stations that we will contribute to the e-CALLISTO network will be located.